NFL Game - Favorite’s & Underdog's Odds Limit in Parlay

Setting the Favorite's Odds Limit in Parlay

Accessing Your Settings

  1. Navigate to Sports Settings: Locate the tools menu and select 'Sports Settings'.
  2. Select Specific Sport Settings: In the 'Sports Settings' area, move to 'Individual Sports Settings' and choose the sport for which you intend to set the odds limit.

Adjusting Odds Limit

  1. Locate 'Favorite's Odds Limit' Option: In the general settings for the chosen sport, find the setting labeled 'Favorite's Odds Limit in Parlay'.
  2. Enter the Limit: Type in the minimum odds value for a favorite you will accept in a parlay. For instance, inputting a limit of -200 means any line with odds shorter than -200 will not be permissible.

Saving Changes

  1. Activate Your Settings: Confirm and save your changes to enable the favorite's odds limit. This action finalizes the setting, actively regulating the parlay bets moving forward.

Practical Application

By setting the Favorite's Odds Limit, you create a controlled betting environment that prevents the combination of overly favored lines in parlays. This measure is crucial for balanced risk management on your betting platform.

Setting the Underdog's Odds Limit in Parlay

Accessing Your Settings

  1. Access Sports Settings: From your dashboard, proceed to 'Sports Settings' through the tools menu.
  2. Choose Sport for Settings: Within 'Individual Sports Settings,' select the relevant sport for the underdog odds limit setting.

Configuring Odds Limit

  1. Search for 'Underdog's Odds Limit' Option: Find the “Underdog's Odds Limit in Parlay” feature in the general settings menu.
  2. Set Your Desired Limit: Enter the maximum odds for an underdog you deem acceptable in a parlay. For example, if you set this limit at +500, it restricts the inclusion of any underdog lines with odds exceeding this figure.

Implementing Changes

  1. Save Settings: To enforce the underdog odds limit, save the adjustments you've made to the settings. This action makes the limit operational for all upcoming parlays.

Practical Application

Implementing an Underdog's Odds Limit is a strategic approach to mitigating financial risk associated with large payouts. It ensures the moderation of odds offered, securing your platform against unexpected fiscal liabilities.

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