Weekly Balance and Credit Balance

Understanding the functionalities and advantages of our two main account types—Weekly Balance and Running Balance—will empower you to make informed decisions that align with your operational preferences and business goals.

Weekly Balance Account Overview

Key Features:

  • Credit Limit: Players are allotted a weekly credit limit.
  • Settlement Frequency: Settlements are orchestrated weekly, generally following Monday night football, ensuring regular and predictable financial Management.
  • Balance Reset: Credit balances are automatically reset every Tuesday or another designated day, as the bookmaker chooses.

Pros & Cons:


  • Simplified Management: Ease of tracking and managing settlements weekly.
  • Regular Cash Flow: Predictable cash flow optimizes financial planning.
  • Seasonal Suitability: Perfect fit for high-activity periods like the football season.
  • Enhanced Interaction: Promotes consistent engagement between bookies and players.


  • Active Management Required: Weekly settlements necessitate continuous oversight.
  • Weekly Payment Risks: The regular reset introduces non-payment risk within the week.
  • Short-Term Financial Overview: Primarily provides a snapshot of financial interactions over a limited timeframe.

Operational Note:

For weekly balance accounts, agents often print reports to utilize the data for player payments or collections.

Running Balance Account Overview

Key Features:

  • Extended Credit: Players receive a lump sum of credit for use over a prolonged period.
  • Flexible Settlements: Settlements are executed when the credit is depleted or when winnings are cashed out, offering flexibility.
  • Persistent Balance: Credit balances accumulate and persist without automatic resets, facilitating long-term financial tracking.

Pros & Cons:


  • Long-Term Behavior Tracking: Aids in understanding player habits over time.
  • Reduced Settlement Frequency: Less frequent settlements minimize operational hassles.
  • Comprehensive Financial History: Provides detailed insights into players' financial activities.


  • Complex Management: The flexibility and persistence of balance require adept account management.
  • Increased Financial Risk: Accumulating balances may lead to higher unpaid debts.
  • Manual Reset Needed: There is no automatic reset, so manual intervention is necessary for balance adjustments.

Choosing Between Weekly and Running Balance

For Novice Bookies: The Weekly Balance account is an excellent choice if you seek a straightforward system that ensures regular interaction and predictable financial flows.

For Experienced Bookies, The Running Balance account will suit bookmakers who are comfortable with more intricate account management and those who desire a comprehensive overview of their players' financial behaviors over time.

Key Functionalities of Bookiemarket

Bookiemarket assists in tracking financial transactions, regardless of the payment method chosen. While it does not directly carry out transactions, it provides the flexibility to use various payment processors, accommodating individual preferences and operational styles.

Payment Flexibility

Bookiemarket users can employ numerous payment methods, including:

  • Cash transactions—although they may be less convenient.
  • Peer-to-peer apps like Venmo, Zelle, etc., allow for easy and quick payment processing.
  • Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies offer the benefits of digital currency but require setup and player participation.

Pro-tip for Payment Integration:

Appending payment details to player names within Bookiemarket is common among agents, ensuring efficient payment tracking and management. An example would be to label a player as "John Doe Venmo @JohnDoe" in the system.

Bookiemarket's accounting tools equip bookies to manage their operations professionally and easily, harnessing the platform's capabilities to streamline their processes. Choose the account type that best suits your operation strategy and leverage Bookiemarket’s robust functionality to achieve operational excellence.

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