Cancel Play

Step-by-Step Guide to Cancelling a Bet

Access the Cancellation Tool

  1. Navigate to the Tools section in the main menu and select Cancel Play. This action will direct you to the bet cancellation interface, where you can easily manage and cancel bets.

Enter the Bet Information

  1. Once in the Cancel Play section, you will see a text box labeled Confirmation#. Please enter the ticket number of the bet you wish to cancel here. This unique identifier ensures that the exact bet intended for cancellation is accurately processed.

Review the Bet Details

  1. After inputting the ticket number, click the Show Report button. This step allows you to verify the details of the bet you are about to cancel, ensuring no errors in cancellation. Your ability to review before finalizing is crucial in maintaining control over your sportsbook's operations.

Finalizing the Cancellation

  1. Once you have confirmed that the displayed bet is the one you intend to cancel, proceed by clicking the associated Cancel link. This action will officially cancel the bet within the system.
  2. A confirmation message will appear on your screen to acknowledge the successful cancellation of the bet. This serves as your assurance that the action has been executed as intended, providing you peace of mind.

Additional Notes

  • Immediacy: It is important to note that bet cancellation should be performed promptly to ensure the integrity of your operations and maintain trust with your clients.
  • Authorization: Ensure that only authorized personnel have access to this feature to prevent unauthorized cancellations and maintain the integrity of your betting activities.
  • Record Keeping: We advise maintaining a record of all cancellations for your documentation and future reference. This practice supports operational transparency and assists in dispute resolution, should it arise.
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